We extract information from different types of data and develop IOT (Internet of Things) solutions.

We provide analysis and interpretation of different types of data and information, so that the resulting knowledge can be useful to our customers, not only to optimize internal decision-making processes, but also to expand their services and investments.

The use of data represents one of the main areas of the current 4.0 industry, especially in reference to the development of IOT solutions.

Head siluette. Funnel icon, suitcase and odometer icons, magnifier icon, gear icon
suitcase, odometer
Business Performance

Evaluation and optimization of business performance, to achieve the objectives set. The evaluation of these performances is not an activity to be performed only once, but rather a process that constantly monitors the company, ensuring that it is working effectively towards the achievement of its objectives.

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Data Analytics

Measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data, in order to understand and optimize their use. Through data aggregation and statistical analysis techniques, raw data are examined and inspected, in order to build ad hoc web dashboards, easy and immediate to consult.

Data Mining

Process of pattern discovery in large amounts of data, with the aim of extracting information from a data set and transforming it into an understandable and useful structure, to be effectively used by the company. Data mining focuses on the use of specific statistical and machine learning models, to predict the future and discover common patterns.

Event Processing

Tracking and analysis of information flows on specific events of interest, to identify the significant ones (such as opportunities or threats) and respond to them as quickly as possible. Complex event processing combines data from multiple sources to infer events or patterns that suggest more complicated circumstances.